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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2022

Personal pronouns.

 Pronouns: A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. There are different kinds of pronouns. 1- Personal pronouns: Personal pronouns may be used as: 1- The subject of a verb. 2- The object of a verb. 1- subject pronouns: The subject of a verb does the action of the verb. The personal pronouns I, You, He, She, It, We and They can all be used as the subject of a verb. Study the following two sentences: Jenna Likes cats. She has four cats. In the First sentence, the proper noun Jenna is the subject of the verb likes. In the second sentence, the pronoun she is the subject of the verb has. Here are some more pairs of sentences that show personal pronouns used as subject of verbs. My name is Jenna. I am twelve. My father works hard. He works in a factory. My sister is older than me . She is twelve. Our dog is very naughty. He likes to chase cats. Bob, you are a bad dog!. Liam and I are playing football. We like sports. Jim and Jeff are my brothers. They are older than I am. 2- Objec

The possessive form of nouns.

 The possessive form of nouns: 1- Use the possessive form of a noun to show ownership. *To make the possessive form, put an apostrophe and an S 'S after a singular noun. Examples: 1- This is my bed and that is peter’s bed. 2-We all like Dad’s cooking. 3-It is my job to collect everybody’s plate after the meal. 4- The flies are buzzing around the horse’s tail. 5- This is Susan and Jenny’s room. 6-This is Tom ’s hat and that is tom’s father’s hat . Notes: How do you make the possessive form when two names linked by and are the owners? Put an ’S after the second name only. For example: 1-Katy and Mike’s house is very big. (= The house that belongs to both Kathy and Mike). 2- Joe and Lena’s Dad works at the shoe factory. (= He is joe’s Dad and he is also Lena’s Dad.) 3- Sometimes two possessive form with ’S appears together, one after another: Examples: 1- This is Jhon ’s brother ’s ball. (= The ball belongs to jhon ’s brother). 2-Paul’s Teacher ’s House has a swimming pool. (= The hou