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Mostrando entradas de enero, 2024

Imperative sentences

  Imperative sentences: Another type of sentences is an imperative sentence, this sentence gives an order.   Examples: 1- Ask Tom to come to see me. 2-Don’t tell me lies. 3-Please leave. 4- Go to your room! 5-Speak up! Notes an imperative sentence can end with an exclamation point (!) if the order is very firm. When you make a request, offer advice, issue a command, or give an instruction, you use the imperative Sentences. You want to learn more about this topic? 📚 Go to the link in our Bio. 📚 We have schedules available for teaching virtual english classes for more information DM US 📚👩‍🏫✏️🍎  #Teacherlife #easyenglish #funenglishlearning #teacherpam👩‍🏫🍎✏️ #reading #practicing #Learning 📚👩‍🏫✏️🍎 #letsgo 👩‍🏫🍎📚✏️

Exclamatory sentence

 An exclamatory sentence makes a very strong statement called an exclamation. It shows a strong feeling such as: Surprise  Anger Happiness  Grief  Sadness  An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation point ❗️ instead of a period. Examples: 1- What a kind thing to do! 2- How beautiful she is! 3-The silly boy! 4-It’s a beautiful building! 5-We won the match yesterday!  You wanna learn more about this topic? 📚 Go to the link in our Bio. 📚 Let me know what you think in a comment below 👇  We have schedules available for teaching virtual english classes  for more information DM US📚👩‍🏫🍎✏️ #Reading #Praticing #Learning #easyenglish #Teacherpam #creativeenglish #funenglishlearning #letslearnenglish #lestgo! 📚📚📚🍎🍎🍎✏️✏️👩‍🏫👩‍🏫👩‍🏫

Interrogative sentences

 In this type of sentences we ask questions or make a request. Examples:  1-What are your plans for the Holidays? 2- What is your favorite book? 3- Where are you from? 4-Do you prefer Soda or tea? 5-What is your name? Do you want to learn more about this topic?📚 Go to the link in our  Bio. 📚  Let me know what you think in a comment below 👇  We have schedules available for teaching virtual English classes for more information DM US 📚👩‍🏫✏️🍎  #Reading #practicing #Learning #Easyenglish #learnenglish #creativeenglish #Mspam #funenglish #letsgo #letslearnenglish 📚👩‍🏫🍎✏️


  A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. Sentences always have a subject and a verb. Examples: Subject: She Verb: is working. Subject: He    Verb: is reading  Subject: The children Verb: are playing  Subject:  They              Verb: are singing  1-There are four kinds of sentences:  1- A declarative sentence makes a statement something you like:  Examples:  1-It is raining 🌧️  2-Tom likes football 🏈  3- The school bell was ringing 🛎️  #4-The children are playing with the dog 🐶  You wanna learn more about this topic?📚 Go to the link in our Bio. 📚 We have schedules available for teaching virtual english classes for more information DM US.  📚👩‍🏫✏️🍎 @Bpcenglishschool📚👩‍🏫✏️🍎 #Reading #Practicing #Learning #easyenglish #funenglishlearning #creativeenglishteacher #TeacherPam #easyenglishwithmspam🍎✏️👩‍🏫📚 #englishteacher 📚👩‍🏫🍎✏️

Conjunctions of place

  We talk about conjunctions of place, to indicate the place without say it’s name. Examples: 1- I will go to work where my sister lives tomorrow. 2- we will go to New York where your friends are on holidays.  3- Does anybody knows where Mr Lee live? You wanna learn more about this topic?📚  Go to the link in our Bio 👩‍🏫 We have schedules available for teaching virtual english classes for more information DM US @bpcenglishschool  #Reading #Practicing #Learning #Easyenglish #funenglishlearning 👩‍🏫📚✏️🍎

Conjunctions of purpose

  The conjunctions so, that and in order to tell what the purpose of something is. They are called conjunctions of purpose. Examples: 1-The children are wearing hats so they won’t get sunburned. 2- John finished his homework before dinner so he could watch his favorite Tv program. 3- Let’s write down the address so we don’t forget it. 4- We left early so that we wouldn’t be late 5- Ella took a map so that she wouldn’t get lost. 6- In order to get to sleep, he reads a really boring book at bedtime. You wanna learn more about this topic? Go to the link in our Bio 📚 We have schedules available for teaching virtual english classes for more information DM US.📚✏️👩‍🏫🍎 #Reading #Practicing #Learning #funenglishlearning #easyenglishwithmspam🍎✏️👩‍🏫📚 #creativeenglishteacher #easyenglish 📚👩‍🏫✏️🍎 #letslearnenglish 👩‍🏫✏️📚

Conjunctions of reason

The conjunctions: Because, Since, As, and in case tell why someone does something. They are called conjunctions of reason. Examples:  1- I sat down because I was feeling tired. 2- Because we arrived late, we missed the beginning of the play. 3- I took an apple since it was the only fruit in the bowl. 4-Since you have finished your homework, you can help me make dinner. 5- Take an umbrella in case it rains. You wanna learn more about this topic? Go to the link in our Bio 📚 We have schedules available for teaching virtual English classes for more information DM US.  #easyenglish #Teacherpam #reading #Practicing #Learning #Easy #creativeteacher #funenglishteachers 📚👩‍🏫✏️🍎