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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2024

Question Tags:

  Sometimes people finish what they are saying with a short question. Why do they do this? Because they want to know if the person they are speaking to agrees with them. This short question is called Question Tag.  Examples: 1- The weather is lovely today, isn’t it? 2- Tom is older than you, Isn’t he? 3- Sally has got a dog, hasn’t she? 4-Peter and David should leave now, Shouldn’t they? Use a helping verb like: Should, Have and can and the subject of the sentence to make the question Tag.  Examples:  1- You haven’t seen this film, have you? 2- You can’t speak Spanish, can you? 3- You should look after her, shouldn’t you? You wanna learn more about this topic?  go to the link in our Bio 📚✏️ Let me know what you think in a comment below 👇  We have schedules available for teaching virtual english classes for more information DM US. 📚✏️ #Teacher #Easyenglish #teacherlife🍎  #creativeenglishteacher 📚✏️ #funenglish📚  #letslearnenglishtogether 📚✏️👩‍🏫🍎 #teacherpam👩‍🏫 #Ms.Pam📚👩‍🏫