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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2024

Direct Speech:

  The exact words that someone says are called direct speech. Quotation marks  are used to set off direct speech.  Examples: 1- Mom said, ‘Where are my keys?’ 2- ‘ This ice cream is delicious, ’ said Tom. 3- ‘ Have you boys washed your hands? ’ asked Dad. 4- ‘ What a beautiful dress! ’ said Sally. When we talked about Direct Speech we use quotation marks and there is no change in the sentences.  You wanna learn more about this topic? 📚  Go to the link in our Bio 📚 Let me know what you think in a comment below 👇 📚  We have schedules available for teaching virtual English classes for more information DM US 📚👩‍🏫✏️🍎 #Easyenglish #teacherlife🍎 #creativeenglishteacher #funenglishlearning #teacherpam #letsgo 🍎 #letslearnenglishtogether 📚✏️👩‍🏫🍎