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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2024

Indirect commands:

 Indirect commands:  Use verbs like order, tell and warn to report orders and instructions.  The construction to + verb or not to + verb may also be used.  Examples:   Indirect speech: 1- The teacher ordered us to stop running in the corridor.  2-Mr. Park told the children to put their books away  3- Dad asked marly to help him by washing the dishes.   Examples:  Direct speech:  1-The teacher said, ‘‘stop running in the corridors!’’  2- ‘‘ Put your books away, children,”  said Mr. Park.  3-Dad said to marly “ Please help me by washing the dishes ”.  You wanna learn more about this topic? go to the link in our bio. 📚✏️  Let me know what you think in a comment below 👇  We have schedules available for teaching virtual english classes for more information DM US 📚✏️ #teacherlife #easyenglish #Reading #Practicing #Learning #letsgo #teacherpam📚✏️👩‍🏫