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Mostrando entradas de enero, 2022

Auxiliary verbs: to have: obligations.

TO HAVE AS AN AUXILIARY VERB: Auxiliary verbs are added to make them work in others forms, such as questiosn, Negatives and others times of the sentences. * Must have to, should, ought to, need to, these are modal auxiliary verbs of obligations. There are two types of modal verbs of obligations. 1- Those that primarily express a firm obligation or necessity. Must and have to. 2-Those that express a recommendation or moral obligation. Should/ Ought to/ Need to. 1- FIRMS OBLIGATIONS: MUST/ HAVE TO. The verb MUST  only exists in the simple present and present perfect forms. *While the present form can express: Obligation, necessity, certainty or strong probability. *The present perfect forms only express a strongly felt opinion or supposition. All person:  Present     /         Present perfect Affirmative:        Must                           Must have Negative:             Must not/ Musnt          Must not have/ Musnt have. *In other tenses are required, the speaker or  writer Must use

3-Modal verbs: Can, must, have to: permission and obligations.

  Do you know how to use modal verbs to talk about permission and obligation?   Look at these examples to see how can, can't, must, mustn't, have to and don’t have to are used.   You can put your shoes and coat over there. You can't leave your bike there. I must call the electrician and get that light fixed. You mustn't worry about me. I'll be fine. You have to have a licence to drive a car. You don't have to have a licence to cycle on the roads.     ·      Modal verbs to give permission and to ask for permission: Possibility/probability/Ability. ·      1- Polite form/Formal: ·      May/Might: ·        ·      Examples:     ·      May I borrow your pen? ·      Might I go to the party later? ·      may I leave now? ·      Might you give me your name? ·      Might I go to the pool now? ·      May you come to my home on the weekend?   2- Medium formal: ·      Could ·      Examples: ·      Could you give me yo