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Collective nouns


Collectives Nouns:

Words for groups of people, animals and things are called collectives nouns.

1-Here are some collectives nouns for groups of people.

A family              A crew

A community       A club

A team                 A company

A choir                  A committee

A band                    A gang

An orchestra         The army

An audience            A Musical group.

2-Collectives nouns may be used with a singular verb. If the group is acting as a single unit, use a singular verb. If group of members are acting as individuals, use plural verb.

For example:

1- The crowd was orderly.

*Group acting as a single unit./ singular.

2-The crowd were clapping, yelling and cheering

*Groups of members acting as individuals/ plural.


Always use a plural verb with the collective nouns:


*The police

* Examples:

1- People:

Those people live/ not lives in Asia.

2- The police:

The police have caught/not has caught the thief.

3- Here are more collectives nouns you can use for groups of people.

A crowd of shoppers.

A company of actors

A  class of schoolchildren

A panel of judges

A platoon of soldiers

4- Many groups of animals have their own special collectives nouns.

A herd of cattle

A flock of birds

A drove of sheeps

A gaggle of geese

A pack of wolves

A pride of Lions

A pod of dolphins

A school of fish  

A litter of puppies

A troop of monkeys

A brood of  chickens

A swarm of bees

5-Some groups of things have also their special collectives nouns.

A bunch of bananas

A cluster of grapes

A bunch of flowers

A bouquet of flowers

A range of mountains

A fleet of ships

A fleet of vehicles

A deck of cards

A flight of steps

A suite of rooms

A suite of furniture

A set of tools

A string of beads

A grove of trees

6-Some Nouns name the amount or form of something.

A loaf of bread

A ball of string

A bar of soap

A bar of chocolate

7- The word a piece of  mean  a single serving or part of something.

A slide/piece of bread

A piece/square of chocolate

A sheet/piece of paper

A piece of information

A slice/piece of cheese

A slice/ Piece of cake

A piece of chalk

A piece of advice


1- Read the following passage. Write the missing collectives nouns in the blank spaces:

Mom took kate, rudy and derrick to the zoo. the zoo was very busy. A--------------of people had gathered round the monkeys. one of the monkeys had a -------------of bananas. Watching the monkeys eat made the children feel hungry. Mom took a ---------of bread and some----------of cheese out of the picnic hamper

and everyone make sandwiches. After eating the sandwiches, the children had two ------------of chocolate each. Rudy wanted to give one piece to a monkey, but the zookeeper gave rudy a very useful-----------of advice. Monkeys may look friendly, but sometimes they are vey fierce, he said.

2- Grammar make examples and sentences with all the types of collectives nouns.

*Great job today!

See you next class!

#Teacherpam :) 


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