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Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They give you more information about people places and things.

1- Kind of adjectives:

1- Some adjectives tell about the size of people or things.


1- A big house
2-A large army
3- A huge ship
4- A tall building
5- A long bridge
6- A high mountain
7- A short man
8- A thin boy
9- tiny feet
10-Big hands
11- A Short skirt
12-Long troussers

2- Some adjectives tell about the color of things.

For example:

1- A red carpet

2- A white swam

3- A blue uniform

4- A gray suit

5- An orange balloon

6- A yellow ribbon

7- A brown bear

8-  Green peppers

9- Black Shoes

3- Some adjectives talk about the quality of people or things.

For example:

1- A beautiful woman
2- A handsome boy
3- A poor family
4- A rich couple
5- A strange place
6- A young soldier
7- An ald uncle
8-A kind lady
9- A Familiar voice
10- A deep pool
11-  A flat surface
12- A hot drink
13- A cold winter
14- A sunny day
15- Cool weather

4-Some adjectives tell what things are made of. they refer to substances.

For example:

1- A plastic folder

2- A paper bag

3- A cotton shirt

4- A jade ring

5- A stone wall

6- A metal box

7- A silk dress

8- A wooden spoon

9- A clay pot

10- A glass door

11-  A concrete road

12- A porcelaine vase

5- Some adjectives are made from proper nouns of places. These adjectives are called adjectives of origin.

For example:

1- A mexican hat
2-The french flag
3-An american custome
4-A japanese lady
5- An indian temple
6- A filipino dress
7-A spanish dance
8-An italian car.


Sometimes several adjectives are used to describe a single noun or pronoun. When you use two or more adjectives, the usual order is:

1- Size.

2- Quality.

3- Color.



For example:

1- A small green plastic box: Size, color, Substance.

2- A stylish red italian car: Quality, color, Origin.

*Here are more examples:

1- A large indian temple.
2-A colorful cotton shirt.
3-Delicious spanish food
4-Crunchy australian apples
5- A tall white stone building
6-A long chinese silk robe.
7-An old graceful japanese lady
8- A short handsome english man.

1- Adjectives of quality sometimes come before adjectives of sizes.

*For example:

Beautiful long hair.
Elegant Short hair.

2- But adjectives of sizes always come before adjectives of color.

*For example:

1-Beautiful long black hair.
2-Elegant short red hair.

3-If you use any adjectives of substance, it comes after the color adjectives.

For example:

1-A beautiful long silk dress.


*Adjectives have many different endings.

1-Some adjectives end in -Ful. These adjectives describe noun or pronouns that are full of something.


1- A beautiful face.

2- A cheerful baby.

3-A powerful machine.

4-A skillful player.

5-A painful injury.

6-A joyful smile.

7-A wonderful time.

8-A useful book.

9-A careful student.

10- A helpful teacher.

11-playful children.

12- Colorful clothes.

2-Some adjectives end in -ous.

1- A famous writer.

2-A mountainous area.

3-A  dangerous Job.

4-A humorous film.

5- An adventurous explorer.

6-mischievous children.

7- A courageous soldier.

8- A generous gift.

9- Marvelous results.

3- Some adjectives end in -Y.

1- A messy room.

2- A sleepy dog.

3-A muddy path.

4- An easy test.

5-A noisy car.

6-A cloudy sky.

7-A sunny day.

8-A lazy worker.

9-Dirty hands

10- thirsty children.

11-Stormy weather.

12- Juicy fruit.

4-Some adjectives end in -less. these adjectives describe a person or thing that does not have something.

1- A cloudless sky.

2-A sleeveless dress

3-A careless driver

4-A joyless song

5-A useless tool

6-A meaningless word

7-A fearless fighter

8-Homeless people

9-seedless grapes

10-Harmless animals

5-Some adjectives end in -Al

1- A national flag

2-Musical instruments

3-electrical goods

4-A coastal town

5-Personal possessions

6-A traditional costume

7-Magical powers

8-Medical equipment

6- Here are some adjectives that end in -ic, ish,-ible, -able,-ive and -ly.

1-A fantastic singer

2- A energetic dog

3-Basic grammar

4-Enthusiastic shouting

5-A selfish act

6-Foolish behavior

7-Stylish clothes

8-childish talk

9-A terrible mess

10-A sensible answer

11-Horrible smells

12-Visible footprints

13-A likeable child

14-comfortable clothes

15-Valuable advice

16-Suitable colors

17-An imaginative story

18-Expensive jewelery

19-Talkative children

20-A creative artist

21-Friendly teachers

22-A lovely dress

23- A lively cat

24-A elderly man

7- Many adjectives end in -Ing.

1-Loving parents

2-Caring nurse

3-A flashing light

4-A smiling face

5-A boring story

6-A gleaming car

7-An interesting book

8-A disappointing result

9-An Outstanding Swimmer

10-An exciting ride

11- Chattering monkeys

8-Many adjectives end in -ed

1-A closed door

2-Boiled eggs

3- Wasted time

4-Reduced prices

5-A painted wall

6-Satisfied customers

7-Worried passengers

8-Excited students


1-Words like closed, wasted and scaped  are past participle of verbs. many past participles can also be used as  adjectives.

2-Words like smiling,caring and flasing are Present participle of the verbs. They are formed by adding ing to the verbs. Many present participle can also be used as adjectives.

1-*Describing what something is made of:

Some nouns can be used like adjectives.
For example, if you have a chair that is made of plastic, you can use the noun plastic as an adjective and says that the chair is a plastic chair.

For example:

1-A wooden door

2-A woolen jumper

2- Describing what something is like:

There is another way to make adjectives from nouns. Suppose you wanto to say that something is like certain material, although not made of it. to make these adjectives add -en.

for example:

1-Gold/ golden/ A golden sunrise( bright yellow like gold).

2-Silk/Silky/Silken/Silky skin ( Soft as silk)

3-Lead/Leaden/ A leaden Sky (Dark gray like the color of Lead)



Read the following passage. Write the adjectives.

Sidney is a large Australian City with busy streets and expensive shops.In summer, its a very hot place, people wear cool clothes and drink cool drinks. There are beautiful sandy beaches where people can rest and look up at the wide blue sky. There are big parks for tourists to visit. Japanese tourists like to sit and watch other people.British tourists take photographs of the strange plants and colorful birds.


1- Size: ----------------

2- Color: ---------------

3-Quality:  ---------------

4- Origin: -------------------

Exercise 2:



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