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Interrogative pronouns.


Interrogatives Pronouns:

Are words used to ask questions.
The words:


Are interrogative pronouns.


1- Who used all my paper ?

2-  Who is mom talking to ?

3-  Who are those people ?

4-  Whose pen is this ?

5-  Whose are these shoes ?

6-   What is your brothers name ?

7-  What does tom want ?

8-   What is the date today ?

9-    What do you want to be when you  grow up ?

10- Which of these desks is yours ?

11-   Which do you prefer ?

12-   Which of your sisters is the tallest ?

13-  Whom  did annie criticize ?


In writing  and formal speaking, you can also use Whom as the object of the verb and prepositions.

*For example:

1-Whom did the journalist criticize ?

2-Whom is the principal talking to ?

* But you cannot use WHOM as the subject of a verb.
So you cannot say:

1-Whom come to the party last night ?

*You have to say:

1-Who came to the party last night ?

*Who can be used as the subject and the object of a verb.

1- For example:


1- Who broke the window ?


1-Who are you inviting to your party ?

*Who can be used as the object of a preposition.

For example:

1- Who is mom talking to ?

*You can also use whom as the object of a preposition:

For example:

1-Whom is mom talking to ?

*If you put the preposition before the interrogative pronoun, you must use whom.

For example:

To whom is mom talking ?



2- Make a Short sentence using the interrogatives pronouns:

1-Who: ----------------------------------------------------.

2-  Whose: -------------------------------------------------.

3-What: ------------------------------------------------------------.

4- Which: ----------------------------------------------------------.

5-  Whom: -----------------------------------------------------------.

*End of the class.

*Q and A session

* See you next class!

* Teacher pam :)


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