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Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2023

Tarea luis y Cristina. Viernes 31 de Marzo 2023. Past simple and Past continuous 📚✏️👩‍🏫

 1- make 3 examples using the simple past and the past continuous. 1- 2- 3- 2-Complete: María _________ (Break) her arm last week.it_______(happen) when she______(Paint) her room. She_______(fall) off the ladder 🪜  2- we________(have)a picnic when it began to rain 🌧  3- I_________(have) a bath when the phone rang last night. 4-_________ (listen) to me? - Yes. You asked me if I had done my homework. 5- While I was watching Tv, someone_____(Nock) the window 🪟  6-He ________(broke) his leg while riding his bike at the weekend.

Tarea Luis y Cristina. Beginners. Martes 28 de Marzo 2023. Past progressive. Was/were doing. 📚✏️

 1- Make examples and sentences using the past progressive: Afirmative sentences: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- Negative sentences: 1- 2- 3- 4- Questions: 1- 2- 3- 4- 2-Complete the sentences using was/ were and the ing of the verbs. 1-I_________(Do) my homework 📚. 2-He__________(sleep). 3-Tom________(Play) games. 4-sue_________(talk). 5-Mariana and joe_______(rest) at the beach 🏖. 3-make the past progressive of these verbs 📚 1-Do 2-Talk 3-dance  4-Work  Good job today!!!📚 see you on Friday March 31th. #TeacherPam📚👩‍🏫✏️

Tarea de Luis y Cristina Viernes 24 de marzo

  Present continuous questions 1-make questions by putting  am ,  is  or  are  in front of the  subject : 1-Are  _____ listening?  2- Are______ coming to your party? 3-When  ______ going home?   4-What ____ doing here? 5- We use the present continuous to talk about: 1- 2- examples: 1- 2- 3- 4- Present continuous negatives We make negatives by putting  not  (or  n't ) after  am ,  is  or  are : 1-I 'm______ doing that. 2-You  ____ listening.  3-They_____coming to the party.  4-She______going home until Monday.    Stative verbs We do not normally use the continuous  with stative verbs . Stative verbs include: verbs of  thinking and feeling : *Examples: 1- 2- 3- 4- Good job today!! 📚📚 Proud teacher!👩‍🏫 See you on Monday March 27th📚✏️ 10 points in this homework 📚 

Tarea Luis y Cristina. Beginners. Martes 21 de Marzo. 2023. Past simple. Negative and Questions.

Make examples and sentences using the simple past and negative questions: 1- You_____eat my toast. 2- He________not here yesterday.  3- They________in the park. 4- Did______bring his friend? 5- Did_____have a party? 6- ______you here? 7-_________she at the mall? 2-Make examples using simple past, negative, Questions: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- Good job today!! 📚📚 Proud teacher 👩‍🏫!!

Clase de Luis y Cristina. Viernes 17 de Marzo 2023. Tarea. Was and Were

1- Make examples and sentences using was and were: 1-Mary______here yesterday. 2-Peter ________sleeping at your house 🏡  3-Luis and joana _______at China for the summer vacations. 4- They________at the beach 🏖  5- We _______at NY one month ago. 6-Keren ________trying to paint but she couldn’t.🎨 7- Karla ______here with me when you called me. 8- Mariana_____At the park running 🏃‍♀️  9-Jules ______swimming at the pool 🏊‍♀️  2-Complete this short paragraph with was or were: I_______reading a book when you arrive at home, my mom______Preparing the dinner and My dad_____sleeping. My brother and I ______studying for our exam tomorrow and we _____trying to sleep early.  3- singular: 1-I_______sleeping 2-you ______running at the park 3-it________an amazing movie  4-He/She______doing his/her homework. 4-Plural We______talking about you. You_______late yesterday for class.📚 They________at home early.🏡 Great job today!📚👏 10 points 📚 Proud teacher 👩‍🏫!!  

Clase de Luis y Cristina Lunes 13 de Marzo 2023

1- Homework: Make examples and sentences using the simple past: 1-I _________(Work) a lot yesterday. 2- We_________(enjoy)  the party last night. We______(dance) a lot. 3-We____________(do) our homework two weeks ago. 4-We ____________(Go)  to the beach one week ago 5- Marianny _________ ( drink) coffee at the party. 6- Kath _____________ (come) to my home to talk one month ago. *Make the simple past form of these verbs: 1-Go 2-Begin  3- Leave 4-Break 5-Talk 6- Drink 7- Eat 8-Meet 9- Say 10-See Great job!!📚👩‍🏫 Proud teacher!📚👩‍🏫  

Clase de Luis y Cristina. Viernes 10 de Marzo 2023

 Homework: Make examples and sentences using the present progressive: 📚📚👩‍🏫👩‍🏫👩‍🏫 1-I_______(do) my homework today. 2- Manuella is_______(Dance) Merengue at the Musical. 3- You are_______(eat) Pizza for lunch. 4- Karen is _______(Come) next week to my house 🏠  5- I________ ( Talk) to you! 6- you are_______(Read) a book. 7- we are _________(Write) a blog. 8- You are_________ (Eat) Several fruits 🍉. 9- We_________ (Go) to the beach 🏖  10- You are___________(Learn) english. Great job!!! Do you like this Topic? Let me know in a comment below 👇