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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2024

Questions-Word Questions:

  Use the questions Words what, which, Who ( Sometimes whom), Whose, When, Where and How to ask for information. The verbs be have and do, and helping verbs such as can, will and should are also use in questions.  The helping verb comes before the subject, as it does in yes no questions. Here are some examples: 1-What is your name? 2-What date is it today? 3- Which boy is your brother? 4-Who is the boy next to Marie? 5-Whose book is this? 6-When is your birthday? Sometimes the WH-Word itself is the subject of the sentence. In this case, don’t use do to form questions.  Examples: 1-Who wants to come with me? 2-Which is the fastest car? 3- I’ve got my coat. Whose is this? You wanna learn more about this topic? Go to the link in our Bio.馃摎馃懇‍馃彨✏️ Let me know what you think in a comment below 馃憞  We have schedules available for teaching virtual English classes for more information DM US. 馃摎馃懇‍馃彨✏️馃崕  #letslearnenglishtogether #englishclasses #onlineenglishteacher #Easyenglish #Creativeengl

Yes or no question

 When you ask a yes or no question, You want the answer yes or the answer no. Use the verb be, have and do along with helping verbs such as can, will and should when you ask these questions.  Here are some examples with answers: 1- Is this your seat? Yes. 2- Can you ride a bike? No. 3- Do you like swimming? Yes. 4-May I sit here? Yes. 5- Don’t you like pizza? No.  6-Are we late? No. In questions, the helping verb comes before the subject. The other verb comes after the subject. The verb be also comes before the subject when it is an ordinary verb rather than a helping verb. Here some examples: Statements and questions you can make from them: 1-Dad is ill today.  Is Dad ill today?  2- She has finished her homework 馃摎  Has she finished her homework? 馃摎  3-The cat doesn’t like noise. Doesn’t the cat like noise? 4-Michael can ride a bike. Can Michael ride a bike? 馃毑  5-You may leave now.  May I leave now? You wanna learn more about this topic? 馃摎 Go to the link in our Bio. 馃摎 Let me know w

Positive and negative sentences:

1- A positive sentence tells you about something that exists or that is happening right now.  Examples: 1-I like ice cream 馃崷  2- The train leaves at five o’ clock.  3- I’m feeling really tired. 4- Dad is in the kitchen.  5- Rina is my sister  2- A negative sentence contains the word not or another negative word. Negative sentences tells you that some things does not exists or is not happening. Examples: 1-I’m not very good at math 馃М  2- Tom isn’t as tall as Alan. 3-We didn’t hear you shout at us. 4- People can’t see very well in the dark  5-There is no coins in my pocket. You wanna learn more about this topic? 馃摎 Go to the link in our Bio 馃摎 Let me know what you think in a comment below 馃憞  We have schedules available for teaching virtual english classes for more information DM US馃摎馃崕馃懇‍馃彨✏️  #teacherlife #englishclass馃摎✏ #Easyenglish #Funenglish馃摎 #onlineclasses馃摎✏️ #Teacherpam馃摎 #Creativeenglish #Ms.Pam馃摎✏️ #letsgo 馃摎 #Letslearnenglish 馃摎✏️馃懇‍馃彨馃崕