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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

Masculine and feminine nouns

 Masculine and feminine nouns: 1-Masculine nouns are words for men, boys and male animals   Masculine            Feminine  Boy                        Girl Man                        Woman  Father                     Mother  Son                         Daughter  Husband                 Wife Grandfather          Grandmother  Uncle                     Aunt Brother                   Sister  Nephew                   Niece King                         Queen  Prince                     Princess  Emperor                 Empress Wizard                    Witch Actor                       Actress Policeman               Policewoman  Waiter                      Waitress 2- many nouns are used for both males and females. They are called common gender nouns  Teacher         Baby        Doctor       Scientist  Pupil             Parent       Astronaut     Manager Child            Cousin       Dancer          Singer 3- With animals, there is one general word for the animal and special words for the ma

Collective nouns

  Collectives Nouns: Words for groups of people, animals and things are called collectives nouns. 1-Here are some collectives nouns for groups of people. A family              A crew A community       A club A team                 A company A choir                  A committee A band                    A gang An orchestra         The army An audience            A Musical group. 2-Collectives nouns may be used with a singular verb. If the group is acting as a single unit, use a singular verb. If group of members are acting as individuals, use plural verb. For example: 1- The crowd was orderly. *Group acting as a single unit./ singular. 2-The crowd were clapping, yelling and cheering *Groups of members acting as individuals/ plural. NOTES: Always use a plural verb with the collective nouns: *People  *The police * Examples: 1- People: Those people live/ not lives in Asia. 2- The police: The police have caught/not has caught the thief. 3- Here are more collectives nouns you can use for gro