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Masculine and feminine nouns

 Masculine and feminine nouns:

1-Masculine nouns are words for men, boys and male animals  

Masculine            Feminine 

Boy                        Girl

Man                        Woman 

Father                     Mother 

Son                         Daughter 

Husband                 Wife

Grandfather          Grandmother 

Uncle                     Aunt

Brother                   Sister 

Nephew                   Niece

King                         Queen 

Prince                     Princess 

Emperor                 Empress

Wizard                    Witch

Actor                       Actress

Policeman               Policewoman 

Waiter                      Waitress

2- many nouns are used for both males and females. They are called common gender nouns 

Teacher         Baby        Doctor       Scientist 

Pupil             Parent       Astronaut     Manager

Child            Cousin       Dancer          Singer

3- With animals, there is one general word for the animal and special words for the male and the female. Sometimes the word for the male animal is the same as the general word. Sometimes the word from the female is the same as the general word.

Animal        Masculine         Feminine 

Rabbit            Buck               Doe

Horse            Stallion            Mare

Sheep            Ram                 Ewe

Pig                 Board                Sow

Chicken         Rooster             Hen

Duck             Drake                Duck

Cattle             Bull                 Cow    

Goose            Gander             Goose 

Fox                Fox                   Vixen 

Tiger              Tiger                Tigress

Lion               Lion                Lioness

1- complete the crossword puzzle with the correct masculine and feminine nouns:

Masculine.        Feminine  

Bull.                   __________

Man.                  ____________

Fox.                   ______________

____________.      Princess 

_____________.    Empress

Stallion.                 ____________

Brother.                 ______________

King.                    ________________

_____________.       Duck

_______________.     Witch

_______________.      Actress 

Waiter.                      ______________

Husband.                  ________________

Nephew.                  ___________________

___________          Aunt

_____________       Goose


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