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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2022

Adjectives endings

  Welcome to our class!📚👩‍🏫✏️ Today we are going to do some grammar exercises with the adjectives endings. Please let me know what you think of the class in a comment below 👇. 1-What is the use and meaning of the adjectives endings? Make examples and sentences using the adjectives endings. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 1- Grammar: short explanation and examples: 1. What are adjectives? Adjectives  tell us  something about a person or a thing . 2. What do adjectives modify? Adjectives  can modify  nouns  or  pronouns/names . person thing Mandy is a  careful   girl . This is a  nice   car . Mandy  is  careful . The car  is  nice . She  is  careful . It  is  nice . 3. Where do adjectives go? An  adjective  can be put  before   the noun . Then it is an attribute. person thing Mandy is a  careful   girl . This is a  nice   car . An  adjective  can be put  after  the  verb to be  (is) . This is called predicative position. person thing The girl  is   careful . This car  is   nice . Adjectives can go af

The comparison of adjectives



Adjectives: Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They give you more information about people places and things. 1- Kind of adjectives: 1- Some adjectives tell about the size of people or things. Examples: 1- A big house 2-A large army 3- A huge ship 4- A tall building 5- A long bridge 6- A high mountain 7- A short man 8- A thin boy 9- tiny feet 10-Big hands 11- A Short skirt 12-Long troussers 2- Some adjectives tell about the color of things. For example: 1- A red carpet 2- A white swam 3- A blue uniform 4- A gray suit 5- An orange balloon 6- A yellow ribbon 7- A brown bear 8-  Green peppers 9- Black Shoes 3- Some adjectives talk about the quality of people or things. For example: 1- A beautiful woman 2- A handsome boy 3- A poor family 4- A rich couple 5- A strange place 6- A young soldier 7- An ald uncle 8-A kind lady 9- A Familiar voice 10- A deep pool 11-  A flat surface 12- A hot drink 13- A cold winter 14- A sunny day 15- Cool weather 4-Some adjectives tell what things are made

Indefinite pronouns.

  INDEFINITE PRONOUNS: *An indefinite pronoun does not refer directly to any other words. Most indefinite pronouns express the idea of quantity. For example: 1- everybody is welcome at the meeting. 2- Many prefer their coffee with sugar. 3- Does anybody care for a cheese sandwich ? 4-Few choose to live in the arid desert. Indefinite pronouns: 1- All 2- Another 3- Any 4-Anybody 5- Anyone 6- Both 7-Each 8-Either 9-Everybody 10- everyone 11-Few 12-many 13-Most 14- Neither 15-Nobody 16-None 17-No one 18-One 19-Other 20- Several 21-Some 22-somebody 23-Someone 24- Such *The pronoun they is considered an indefinite pronoun when it makes an indefinite reference: For example: 1- They produce a lot of coal in your state. 2-Why dont they repair the bad roads? 1- GRAMMAR: 1- Make examples and sentences with the indefinite pronouns. 2- exercise: 1- choose the indefinite pronoun in these sentences. 1-One never knows who might be listening. 2- Many are called but few are chosen. 3- I finished my cook

Interrogative pronouns.

  Interrogatives Pronouns: Are words used to ask questions. The words: Who Whose What Which Whom Are interrogative pronouns. Examples: 1- Who used all my paper ? 2-  Who is mom talking to ? 3-  Who are those people ? 4-  Whose pen is this ? 5-  Whose are these shoes ? 6-   What is your brothers name ? 7-  What does tom want ? 8-   What is the date today ? 9-    What do you want to be when you  grow up ? 10- Which of these desks is yours ? 11-   Which do you prefer ? 12-   Which of your sisters is the tallest ? 13-  Whom  did annie criticize ? NOTES: In writing  and formal speaking, you can also use Whom as the object of the verb and prepositions. *For example: 1-Whom did the journalist criticize ? 2-Whom is the principal talking to ? * But you cannot use WHOM as the subject of a verb. So you cannot say: 1-Whom come to the party last night ? *You have to say: 1-Who came to the party last night ? *Who can be used as the subject and the object of a verb. 1- For example: *Subject: 1- Who b

Demostrative pronouns.

 DEMOSTRATIVE PRONOUNS: Demostrative pronouns are used to pointing out things. The words: This That These Those are demostratives pronouns. Notes: 1-Use demostrative pronouns This and These when you are talking about things near to you. 2- Use demostrative pronouns That and Those when you are talking about things farther away. EXAMPLES: 1- This is my desk 2-This is the mings house 3- That is my friends house. 4- youll have to work harder than this. 5-We can do better than that. 6- its raining again. This is awful. 7-Who is that knocking at the door.? 8- Hi mary! this is michael. GRAMMAR: 1- MAKE EXAMPLES AND SENTENCES  USING THE DEMOSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. 2- EXERCISE: Read the following passage. Write the missing demostrative pronouns in the blank spaces. John and I went for a walk on the beach. what is -------------over there ? I asked. It looks like  broken glass, said john. He gave me a bag. Put it in-----------He said. I put the broken glass into the bag. We would better put-----------

Possessive pronouns

 POSSESIVE PRONOUNS: Possesive pronouns are used to talk about things that belong to people. The words: Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Ours, Theirs are possesive pronouns. Examples: 1- This book is mine. 2-  Have you  lost yours, Tom ? 3- This Pen is mine and that one is his. 4- Lena has lost her cat, is this cat hers? 5- I can see our car, but where is yours ? 6-We have had our lunch, but they havent had theirs. HERE IS A TABLE TO HELP YOU REMEMBER THE POSSESIVE PRONOUNS: SINGULAR PERSONAL PRONOUN      POSSESIVE PRONOUN                                                                                           I, ME                                                        MINE                          YOU                                                           YOURS              HE,HIM                                                      HIS                   SHE, HER                                                  HERS                      PLURAL PERSONAL PRONOUN                       POSSES

Reflexive pronouns

 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: Reflexive pronouns are words that refer to the noun or pronoun that is the subject of the verb. The words: Myself, yourself, Himself, Herself, itself, Ourselves, Yourselves and themselves are reflexives pronouns. Examples: 1- My brother built this computer himself. 2- Be careful not to cut yourself with that knife. 3- John was looking at himself in the mirror. 4- Kate fell and hurt herself. 5-  Our cat washes itself  after every meal. 6-  We bake the cake by ourselves. 7- Come in, everybody, and find yourselves a seat. 8-  The children cleaned their room all by themselves. 9-    Bears like to rub themselves against the tree. 10- The bird washed itself by splashing in a puddle. 11-   The players train everyday to keep themselves fit. 12- Have  yourselves a good time. *HERE IS A TABLE TO HELP YOU REMEMBER THE REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: Singular personal pronoun         Reflexive pronoun. I ( subject pronoun)                          Myself Me ( object pronoun)